Ostara: The Season of New Beginnings

Ostara: The Season of New Beginnings

Ostara is a Pagan solar holiday honoring the spring’s warmth, light from the sun, and the awakening of the earth. Pagan celebrations during this holiday have themes of balance, renewal and rebirth. The symbols of Ostara are spring flowers, fairies, butterflies, rabbits and eggs. The colors of Ostara are pastels. 

Sound familiar? Ostara is a celebration of the Germanic goddess Eostre... and the two are the origins for the holiday that is popularly known as Easter.

Ostara starts with the spring equinox, on a day where the world experiences equal day and night and symbolizes the turning point when light wins over the darkness. This balance symbolizes a season of harmony as seeds are planted for the future. 

At its core, Ostara is a season of new beginnings. The egg, the bunny, butterflies— they're all symbols of change and new beginnings, fertility and abundance, and ultimately, the cycle of life. By honoring these symbols, we can connect with the energy of the season and celebrate the renewal of life.

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How to Celebrate Ostara

  1. Go outside to celebrate the warmer spring weather and increased sunlight
  2. Plant seeds— either literally or metaphorically. You may even try combining the figurative and physical act of planting seeds by focusing on your goals as you plant your seeds, tying the growth of the two together. As you nurture your plant, envision your goal and how you're achieving progress at the same rate your plant grows
  3. Spring clean! Declutter and freshen up spaces to give them new life and to set yourself up for success. Set intentions for each space, open windows for fresh air, and use herbs such as rosemary and lavender or crystals such as rose quartz for pure energy
  4. You can also embody the energy by cleansing yourself using a salt scrub and adorning yourself in florals or greenery to invoke the energy of Ostara

The most important part of celebrating Ostara, as with every season, is to be mindful of your intentions as you celebrate and take part in these rituals. Practice gratitude for the earth and nature, and from there, the universe will help take care of the rest.


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